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Italmas VP-MP is a product for udder treatment after milking based on a complex disinfectant

SKU: 3428

2,400.00 AMD

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A hygienic means to maintain a naturally normal environment in the nipple canals of the udder of cows. It is used for all types of cattle milking, including widely used in milking parlors. It is a solution of polymers, softening and moisturizing additives, which ensures the formation of a shielding polymer film.
To eliminate the contaminating microflora, a disinfectant complex (hexethidine, potassium sorbate, benzyl alcohol) is used in the composition of the hygienic product. During processing, the product forms a gel shell around the nipple, then the gel shell dries and forms a film. The film mechanically protects the nipple and the nipple canal from the ingress of microorganisms and contaminants all the time until the next milking. With regular use of a hygienic product, the risk of functional and organic udder lesions is significantly reduced.

You're viewing: Italmas VP-MP is a product for udder treatment after milking based on a complex disinfectant 2,400.00 AMD
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