Vet Baza

Showing 257–272 of 593 results

  • 1,700.00 AMD

    Ivermectin 1% 100 ml

    (0 reviews)

    It is an antiparasitic medicine containing ivermectin used to treat internal and external parasites such as roundworms (tapeworms, microfilariae) and parasites (eg dust mites) in dogs and cats against parasites.

  • 2,500.00 AMD

    Ivermek spray 30 ml

    (0 reviews)

    Ivermek-spray is an antiparasitic drug for dogs and cats. It is applied to the affected areas. One puff is 0.125 ml. Dosage: 0.2 ml/kg body weight, 2-4 times a day for 3-5 days.

  • 1,700.00 AMD

    Ivertin 1% 100ml

    (0 reviews)
  • 4,200.00 AMD

    Ketoprobag 100ml

    (0 reviews)

    KetoproBAG is a nonsteroidal anti—inflammatory drug used in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases in cattle, pigs, horses, dogs and cats. The drug is a transparent solution from colorless to slightly yellow in color, packaged in glass vials of 100 ml. 1 ml of the drug contains 0.1 g of ketoprofen. The drug is stored in a dry place protected from light at a temperature from 5 0C to 25 0C. The shelf life is 2 years.

  • 3,500.00 AMD

    Ketoprofen 10% 100ml

    (0 reviews)

    Ketoproff is prescribed to cattle, sport horses and pigs as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, dislocations, tendovaginitis, injuries), pain syndrome (traumatic and postoperative \ u200b \ u200b pain, colic) and hypertension of various etiology. ketoprof is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antity agent for acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (traumatic and arthrosis, arthritis, arthritis, arthritis

  • 9,800.00 AMD

    Khondraton 100ml

    (0 reviews)
  • 1,200.00 AMD

    KontrSex Neo tablets for cats and dogs

    (0 reviews)

    KontrSex Neo drops for cats and men

  • 450.00 AMD

    Kovitsan 2.5 g

    (0 reviews)

    Pharmacological properties: it has a stimulating effect on the growth, development, productivity of bees and the reproductive ability of bees, increasing their resistance to adverse environmental factors.

  • 5,000.00 AMD

    Kvantum 20 tablets

    (0 reviews)


  • 18,000.00 AMD

    Levelox 20% 1000ml

    (0 reviews)
  • 18,000.00 AMD

    Levolox powder 1 kg

    (0 reviews)

    This is an antibacterial powder containing levofloxacin, intended for the treatment of bacterial infections in dogs and cats. Levofloxacin belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones, which have broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and are effective against various types of bacteria. and it can be used to treat respiratory, urinary, skin and other types of bacterial infections.

  • 1,800.00 AMD

    Linkovik 100ml

    (0 reviews)
  • 800.00 AMD

    Mamikloqs DC

    (0 reviews)

    Mammiclox DC is a combined antibacterial drug for the prevention and treatment of various forms of mastitis in cows during the dry season.

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